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  4. String Lights Snowflake Window Display
String Lights Snowflake Window Display

String Lights Snowflake Window Display

Command™ Brand

Get creative and add a wintery touch to your windows by adding some snowflakes - all you need are string of lights and some Command™ Outdoor Light Clips! The adhesive used with the Command™ Outdoor Light Clips hold strong enough to withstand moisture, UV-rays, and extreme temperatures, yet can be easily removed at the end of the holiday season without damage! The possibilities for hanging your string lights are endless thanks to Command™ Outdoor Light Clips!

Materials needed:

  • Command™  Outdoor Light Clips

    - String Lights

    NOTE: Follow all Command™ Brand package instructions for proper surface cleaning and prep, adhesive strip placement and recommended weight claims.

  • Materials Needed


  • 1. On a clean, dry window, start applying the Command™ Outdoor Light Clips down the center.

  • start applying the Command™ Outdoor Light Clips down the center
  • 2. Next, add a few more Command™ Outdoor Light Clips to make the points of the snowflake.

  • Make the points of the snowflake
  • 3. After one hour of applying the Command™ Outdoor Light Clips, start string up your lights!

    TIP: Start at the bottom and work your way around clockwise until you have hit every point and have completed your snowflake shape, ending at the bottom.

  • start stringing up your lights
  • 4. Plug in and turn on your lights for the big reveal!

  • Plug in and turn on your lights for the big reveal!

    christmas decorating lights outdoor light_clips clips